For more than 20 years, ACI's master researchers and wordsmiths have been helping authors achieve their full potential, through the medium of well-written, content-rich books that represent a perfect fit with who they are, what they do and what they want to accomplish.
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We can revise, edit or ghostwrite your book for you and then help you get it professionally produced. We will follow your directions and help you tell your story or convey the information you wish to convey, in a way that will get you the results you want. Choose your method of collaboration.
Read more about our complete range of editorial services
Speakers, consultants, personal coaches and trainers ... an elite minority of savvy professionals has a secret weapon helping them achieve the spectacular level of success that their competitors only dream of: a superbly crafted and well-produced book that most people think is out of their reach.
Click here for 10 good reasons to access ACI's services
Hundreds of satisfied clients can't be wrong. Want to find another service that has collected unsolicited client testimonials by the dozens and put them up on the Web? Good luck! Really, now: How good a job will someone do for you, if they can't even do top-notch work for themselves?
Read what some of our clients are saying about us
You have questions. We have answers. "How long will it take?" "How much does it cost?" "Are there any guarantees?" Most of your questions will be answered either on one of the subject-specific pages or on the FAQ page. If you have a question we missed, we'd like to hear from you!
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Who uses editorial services? Celebrities, CEOs, Presidents. You're in good company.
Published authors command respect and earn credibility, as well as higher incomes.
The most successful speakers, consultants and coaches are all published authors of books.
"Even the best writer only achieves full potential with the help of a skilled editor."
The most effective book is a perfect fit with who you are and what you want to accomplish.
If you already have a book, how well is it working for you? Could results be improved upon?
How much money are you losing, daily, without that perfect presentation-between-covers?
Given everything that is at stake, can you really afford NOT to access our services?